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                                        We wanted to change lifestyle and increase its quality and so Lifestyle was the name of our project.  


        It took a little time and a lot of patience to create a 55 sq m open space yoga and coaching studio., the studio is for courses and workshops.  


                                          "Here and now" for personal growth with our Italian and International teachers.


Frutta e verdura sono del nostro orto  a km 0!!!

Raccogliamo la frutta e prepariamo insieme ai volontari le nostre marmellate casalinghe.

In primavera raccogliamo le erbe spontanee e commestibili per arricchire le nostre insalate e frittate.

Impariamo a fare composizioni con i fiori di campagna e delle nostre piante.

Siamo sempre i compagnia dei nostri cani e gatti

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